Claire & Chris Lowry


Claire and Chris are in their thirties and have two pre-school children. Claire is a GP and Chris is an A&E consultant. Originally from Northern Ireland, they were living and working in Glasgow, but decided to move back home last year.

Claire explains:

“We’d been living in rented accommodation for years and moving around a lot for work, but with a young family, we decided it was the right time for us to put down roots and move back to Belfast.”

How did we help?

“Initially, we needed advice on Life Insurance. We wanted to put some security in place for the children in case Chris or I ever became too ill to work. We asked among our contacts and it was a family friend who recommended that we speak to Colum.

We got on well with Colum and were pleased with the insurance he put in place for us, so we were happy to work with him again to help us secure a mortgage for the house we wanted to buy in Belfast.

Colum helped us a great deal as the move was not straightforward. As doctors, we rarely have permanent contracts, but we are generally always in work. This was difficult for us to get across to the main mortgage lenders, but Colum was fantastic!

He not only helped us to get a mortgage, he also advised us on what to do when the lender’s survey suggested that there might be structural issues with the house. He really kept on top of the paperwork and did all he could to move the process along, which was even more challenging as we were still living in Scotland at the time!”

How did you benefit?

“We had zero experience in arranging a mortgage, so we were completely guided by Colum. He was recommended by people we know and trust, so we knew that he would set us up with a mortgage that would be affordable and suit our needs. We are 100% glad we went with a mortgage adviser rather than trying to do it ourselves.

We met with Colum recently to review our current situation and agreed that he’ll review our circumstances on an annual basis. This is great for us as we know that he’ll keep a close eye on things.

We really appreciate the personal touch that Colum brings and have already recommended him to a friend of ours.”

We helped a busy couple with a young family to secure their children’s future and move back to Belfast.

Client Since 2020

Fancy a chat?

If you have a mortgage or financial enquiry or would like to learn more about financial planning, we’d be delighted to have a chat with you.